Costa Rica with Kids? Yes! You Can Do It!! - Bill Beard Costa Rica

Costa Rica family vacations planning advice from Bill Beard

Costa Rica family vacations

When it comes to entry level adventure vacations with kids, you really can’t beat Costa Rica family vacations.  It’s got beaches, adventure, diving, surfing, sailing, jungles, volcanoes, and abundant wildlife.  Plus, no jet lag for  North Americans! Costa Rica accounts for only 0.03 percent of the earth’s surface. However it contains nearly 6 percent of the world’s biodiversity. Its natural wealth, both in species and ecosystems, is partly explained by its geographical position.

What is the best time to go to Costa Rica with kids?

Costa Rica has two seasons invierno (rainy season) and verano (dry season).  In general, the dry season is dry and hot and the wet season is green, rainy and a little less hot because of more cloud coverage.  My favorite time of year is the rainy season where everything is green, lush and beautiful. It doesn’t rain everyday and it’s usually in the afternoon and stopping by dinner time. Most families vacation in Costa Rica in July and August when school is out. This past August was great. We had our kids and seven of our grandkids vacationing with us and they were very happy with four getting certified to scuba dive, three learning to surf and all seven were zip lining, waterfall rappelling and white water river rafting

Why leave the kids at home when you can give them a vacation in Costa Rica that they will remember for a lifetime.

Costa Rica family vacations

I recommended a minimum of 8 days and 7 nights if you wish to visit an inland location like the rainforest or volcano and the beach.  You could get by with as few as 5 days if you just want to stay in one location and don’t have any more days to spare.

What are some good itineraries in Costa Rica with kids?

When it comes to nature, Costa Rica has it all: rainforests, cloud forests, volcanoes, caves, beaches, mangrove forests, wetlands, mountains, waterfalls, cattle ranches and more!  An overabundance of choices can make it tough to pinpoint the itinerary that will work best for you. That’s where Bill Beard’s comes in. We can set up the itinerary that best suits your family or group.

Can I travel with a baby in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica can be a great place to travel with a baby or toddler.  My grand kids kids were 12 mo and 3 yrs during one of my favorite trips in Costa Rica.  We traveled with other family members and shared a sitter which gave us a lot of flexibility.

Is it safe to travel in Costa Rica with kids?

I consider Costa Rica to be a safe country to travel in with my family.  However, just like anywhere in the world, there are important safety concerns to keep in mind. I have lived and worked in Costa Rica since 1970 and two children 43 and 41 years old were born there and we have never had an unpleasant experience.

Three toed sloth in Costa Rica with Bill Beard's a cWhat about medical facilities when you are traveling in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is considered a developing country, sometimes also called a second-world country as opposed to an undeveloped or third-world country.  The capital city of San Jose is very modern with many excellent Doctors and hospitals.  Outside the central valley, the scene changes quickly but there are clinics in every village and hospitals in the larger towns. Two of our kids were born in San Jose and after 47 years we still think the medical facilities and Doctors are excellent. Costa Rica is a very small country so you are never very far from medical facilities. Another good reason to have a privately escorted tour as your guide will know exactly what to do and where to go.


Costa Rica family vacations

The best vacations in Costa Rica are with an English speaking naturalist guide driving you around in a late model air conditioned, comfortable vehicle. They travel at your pace and point out more in one day than you could find on you own in your entire vacation.

What is driving like on Costa Rica family vacations?

I drive around Costa Rica constantly but do not recommend self driving unless you know the country very well. And if you do drive and If your kids are anything like my kids, you’ll want to keep the drive times as short as possible.  I highly recommend spending at least 2 nights, preferably 3 nights at each location.  If you only have time to get to two locations, you’ll enjoy it more and see more than if you try to see too much. I am sure you will have a more enjoyable vacation if you go for privately escorted by an English speaking naturalist guide in a modern, roomy, air conditioned vehicle. Talk to us. We are happy to give you advice.

Where is the best wildlife viewing on Costa Rica family vacations?

Costa Rica is one of the Earth’s top 20 countries with the greatest biodiversity.  With two coasts, mountain ranges, and everything in between, Costa Rica has a huge variety of ecosystems packed into a tiny country of only 19,653 square miles and each ecosystem is chock full of its own wildlife.

Costa Rica family vacations

Renting a condo is a great way to relax on Costa Rica family vacations, especially if you plan to stay in one area for a week or several days: LEARN MORE

If your kids are like mine, everyone sleeps better when the kids are in their own room.  House rental prices are all over the place. Contact Bill Beard’s and we’ll find what you need and stay within your budget.

Here are some adventures that the kids can “learn how to” in Costa Rica. LEARN MORE

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Sublimely beautiful Costa Rica has something for everyone. The treats range from exciting adventure to leisurely relaxation, and everything in between that we can add to your diving package. Furthermore, tourists can sample the laid-back national lifestyle that ticos (the name the Costa Ricans call themselves) refer to as ‘Pura Vida’ – ‘pure life’: no stress, no hassle. All this, combined with unsurpassed natural beauty and a developed and accommodating tourist industry, makes Costa Rica a wonderful place to visit and vacation.

Learning To Surf In Costa Rica Is EasySee Our 23 Minute Video Alll About Costa Rica, Scuba Diving & Adventure: SEA HERE

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 9 ET

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IMPORTANT NOTE – Please be advised that every reasonable effort has been made to keep all prices up to date and free of errors or omissions. Prices and policies from our vendors and the Costa Rican government are subject to change without notice. Invoices will be issued at the time of booking to confirm all final rates and offers.

Costa Rica with Kids