Holiday In Costa Rica - Bill Beard Costa Rica

Holiday In Costa Rica: Vacation and Travel in Costa Rica During Lent and Easter

In Costa Rica, the Lent season coincides with beautiful weather and traditions that are emblematic of the religious heritage of this country. By virtue of her Constitution, Costa Rica is a Roman Catholic country, and thus the Lent season is always special.

Costa Rica Holiday

Costa Rica is a country filled with a rich culture and deep-rooted traditions that come to life during the week of Easter (also known as Semana Santa). Celebrations and local foods are abundant within the street processions taking place throughout various provinces. Whether joining in a religiously based event or simply taking advantage of the beautiful weather, Costa Rica provides the sights and experiences families seek in an environment like no other.

Traditional celebrations and activities include the following:

Street Processions

One of the most recognized Holy Week traditions in Latin America is the street procession. Each town organizes masses and processions, which take place on Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. These processions include actors that participate in the reenactment of the last days of Christ leading up to the resurrection. San José, Heredia, Cartago and San Joaquin de Flores hold the most notable in the country drawing crowds of both residents and visitors alike who gather to observe Costa Rica’s faith-filled, cultural offerings. In the smaller towns many of the onlookers join in the procession.

Easter Holiday In Costa Rica

Local Celebrations

Many Costa Ricans return to their hometowns during Holy Week to spend time with family and friends. These lively celebrations include traditional costume ensembles that personify the procession; the preparation of local Costa Rican foods is also enjoyed, not only by residents but also by visitors.

Traditional Foods

Throughout Holy Week, the tradition is to eat seafood due to the Catholic practice of not eating meat on Fridays during Lent. With an abundance of fresh seafood from its two coasts, Costa Rica serves an assortment of delicious dishes including fish soup, fried fish, ceviche and rice with shrimp. Several dishes with palm hearts are also prepared as well as empanadas de chiverre (spaghetti squash), and bread dish filled with the chiverre honey. The tradition of preparing homemade honey from a fruit or vegetable is very popular as well. Papaya, coconut, chiverre or pumpkins are some of the favorites, and are made with “tapa de dulce,” an ingredient very similar to brown sugar. Water and the tapa de dulce are boiled; the select fruit is then added to the mix along with cloves, cinnamon and vanilla. Sopa de Bacalao, or cod soup is also very popular during this time of the year. It is usually prepared using tender squash, carrots and potatoes. This soup is quick and easy to make and can be eaten as an appetizer or main dish.

Food in Costa Rica

Exploring the Sea and Sky

As most businesses, with the exception of tourist destinations, are closed on Thursday and Friday during Holy Week, many families take advantage of Costa Rica’s 1,000 miles of coastline. With a diverse selection of spectacular beaches ranging from black sand shores to a coconut tree-lined paradise, Costa Rica offers the ideal fit for all beachgoers. For those seeking adventure inland, Costa Rica lies at the heart of one of the most active volcanic regions on Earth. The destination is home to 200 volcano formations including Arenal, Rincón de la Vieja, Irazú and Poás, the country’s highest volcano. No matter what region travelers chose, one of Costa Rica’s 28 national parks awaits nearby for exploration.

costa Rica Beaches

About Costa Rica

Costa Rica is located in Central America, nestled between Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south; it is bordered on the east by the Caribbean Sea and the west by the Pacific Ocean. With an abundance of unique wildlife, landscapes and climates, this small country proudly shelters approximately five percent of the known biodiversity in the world. In order to protect and preserve its wealth of natural resources, Costa Rica has become a global leader in sustainable practices with protected areas comprising 26 percent of its land mass. With a peaceful spirit, an emphasis on education and an economy based on tourism, technology and exportation, Costa Ricans and visitors alike enjoy one of the highest standards of living and organized tourism infrastructure in Latin America among a tropical paradise of lush rainforests, mystical volcanoes and cloud forests and beaches that meet mountains filled with monkeys and macaws. Offering a broad terrain of activities and accommodations, visitors to Costa Rica will find a range of hotel options ranging from small beachside bed & breakfasts, to authentic intimate boutique mountain lodges, to major international business hotel brands and everything in between; Costa Rica’s accommodations offer something appealing for everyone’s desires.

The phrase “Pura Vida” can be heard echoing throughout Costa Rica from coast to coast. Used as a greeting or expression of happiness, the phrase literally translates to “pure life;” however its true meaning is “full of life,” which accurately describes the adventure and wonder that await visitors. “Pura Vida” indeed.

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Bill Beard’s Costa Rica has privately escorted tours and first class accommodations throughout the country that may be added to other packages.
We also offer world class adventure tours, scuba diving, snorkeling, surfing, sailing and fishing.
We arrange everything in advance, so you can relax and enjoy your vacation.

For single, triple, quad or group rates, contact our agents.

Our Reservation Office Is Located In La Fortuna, Costa Rica In The Shadow Of Arenal Volcano, behind the Catholic Church, Near The World Famous Hot Springs.

For Reservations & Information

Contact Our Office At 877 853-0538 or 954 453-5044 M – Sat., 9 – 9 ET

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